改革开放以来,六省都采取了一系列措施加快工业化进程和经济发展,发展战略、体制改革、对外开放和基础设施建设,都呈现一些强烈的共性和鲜明的特点。 (一)发展战略比较 1.福建发展战略的主要特点。 (1)前期强调扬长避短。改革开放初期,福建提出了“突破中间,武装两头”的发展战略,即利用福建独特的自然资源和靠近港台、侨胞众多的
Since the reform and opening up, all six provinces have taken a series of measures to speed up the process of industrialization and economic development, development strategy, structural reform, opening to the outside world and infrastructure construction. All these six provinces have shown some strong common features and distinctive features. (A) comparison of development strategies 1. Fujian’s development strategy of the main features. (1) Pre-emphasis on strengths and weaknesses. In the initial stage of reform and opening up, Fujian proposed a development strategy of “breaking through the middle and armed with two ends”, that is, using Fujian’s unique natural resources and close proximity to Hong Kong and Taiwan, many overseas Chinese