Dragon Mart Cancun: In deep with China’s biggest exhibition center for Chinese products in the world

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  【Abstract】The creation of Chinas biggest exhibition center for Chinese products outside china will take place in the city of Cancun, Mexico, The proposed complex would house 3,040 showrooms, divided among 14 industrial sectors and targeting wholesalers from across Latin America, according to the business scheme most of the merchandise ordered will be shipped directly to the port nearest to the buyer. The Dragon Mart concept would enable, for instance, home builders and consumers to shop for Chinese light fixtures and other components in Mexico, an ambitious project that seek a boost on the economic and cultural ties between Mexico and China.
  【Key words】Dragon Mart;Exhibition;Mexico;Trade
  The creation of Chinas biggest exhibition center for Chinese products outside china will take place in the city of Cancun,Mexico, planned to start with the groundbreaking ceremony after the spring festival on February 2013 to be completed in its first stage of seven by May 2014.The proposed complex would house 3,040 showrooms,divided among 14 industrial sectors and targeting wholesalers from across Latin America.Projections estimate that it would draw 1 million people a year to an already popular beach destination in the Yucatan Peninsula.If the project goes ahead as planned, it would follow the rough model of Dragon Mart Dubai,the first effort by Chinese business and industry to set up a massive showroom center abroad to promote Chinese products.Dragon Mart Dubai, which measures more than 1,300 yards opened in 2004. DMC will contain sectors that offer home appliances,communication equipment,lighting,household furnishings,jewelry,building materials, furniture, toys,machinery,medical equipment,auto parts,foodstuffs and general merchandise.The DMC development plan includes 722 homes for Chinese administrators of more than 3,000 storefronts;the village would also host events to spotlight Chinese music,dance and culture,in addition the project will have its own water treatment plant and will make extensive use of solar energy.The initial investment is projected to be 200 million dollars to a total of a 1.5 billion(10 billion yuan),the Chinese government plans to take a 40 percent stake while the Mexican and US government 30 percent stake each,according to Yanquing,chairman of Chengkai (Beijing) Investment Co.Ltd.Sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce’s foreign trade and development bureau,the CDM is to be undertaken by the Chinamex Middle East Investment & Trade Promotion Centre Ltd.   Why 'Dragon City' settled in Latin America it?It is consistent that in the past 10 years,Latin America maintained a rapid and stable economic growth in addition to concerns about North-South trade project director Juan Carlos Lopez told the media.It is expected 400 to 600 agents of mainland Chinese companies to work at DMC,part of the 8,550 direct and indirect jobs that it’s expected the project will generate.In the search for the appropriate place to establish the first Dragon Mart in Latin America, the city of Cancun,Mexico won because its airport has more international flights than any other in Latin America,and its world-class hotels, restaurants and tourist attractions also will draw buyers that make an excellent opportunity to diversify the economy of the zone. Chinamex considered a series of other cities for the Dragon Mart,including Los Angeles,Miami,Panama City and Sao Paulo,as well as other locations in Mexico,including Tijuana, according to promotional literature.
  According to the business scheme most of the merchandise ordered through DMC will never come through the Yucatan Peninsula.Instead,it will be shipped directly to the port nearest to the buyer,volumes may be huge as expected to be larger than Dragon Mart Dubai that last year traded the equivalent of 52,000 20-foot containers.
  Although DMC is considered as an ambitious project that seek a boost on the economic and cultural ties between Mexico and China,the project has raised concerns in Mexico,Latin America’s second largest economy,where both the leading business associations as well as academics and environmentalists have expressed their objections, fearing that the shopping complex will foster smuggling, unfair competition and the sale of counterfeit products,in addition to causing the area environmental harm.Ricardo Samaniego,director of the Applied Economics and Public Policy Centre, strongly opposes the project, assuring that the construction of “Dragon Mart must be put off until its environmental and socioeconomic costs are assessed” the construction of the DMC center is generating anxiety due its large scale and proximity to a protected coral reef have triggered objections from environmentalists and hotel operators. And locals and business leaders fear it would flood Mexico with Chinese products and function as a self-contained colony with little benefit for Mexican workers."This project has many detractors,"Cancún Mayor Julian Ricalde said,explaining that the expo center's promoters have failed to convince the local community that DMC is beneficial for Mexico.   The overseers of DMC have made concessions.For one,Juan Carlos Lopez, chief executive of DMC,said the expo had decided to ban exhibits by Chinese sellers of shoes and clothing since these two industries are very sensitive in Mexico.Another concession,Lopez said,is that the expo center will no longer be only for Chinese vendors but also for vendors from around the world that means that anyone who owns a space in the DMC will have access to the housing option.Juan Carlos López,DMC chief executive,has made several visits to the Mexican capital recently to stem a tide of negative coverage by Mexican media and growing political opposition.Mr.López said the project leaders were surprised by the amount of controversy the expo center has created.Mexico needs to stop viewing everything to do with China with "distrust and fear,"he said at a news conference.
  Trade relations between Mexico and China have long been tense as the countries vie for market share of U.S.imports.China is Mexico’s second biggest trading partner,behind the United States,yet no efforts have been made by to modify its highly negative bilateral trade balance or to attract Chinese foreign direct investment(FDI),which is marginal. Bilateral trade is also heavily skewed,with Chinese exports to Mexico accounting for about 90% of the roughly $60 billion of goods that flow each year between the two countries, according to Mexican government data.The trade deficit has fueled resentment and xenophobia in Mexico. For China, the expo represents a way to diversify its exports,which are still heavily dependent of the U.S.,Europe and Japan.It also comes as Chinese companies try to build global brands that command higher profits rather than acting merely as final assemblers of parts made elsewhere or suppliers of generic components.
  The Dragon Mart concept would enable,for instance,home builders and consumers to shop for Chinese light fixtures and other components in Mexico.The Chinese government plans to take a 40 percent stake while the Mexican and US government 30 percent stake each.The project is targeting not just Mexico's large and increasingly affluent consumer market, but also that of Latin America and the Caribbean.
【摘 要】本文分析了发生在我厂一低压配电室全所失电的事故原因,提出了其相应的防范措施。  【关键词】继电保护;备自投;变压器;短路故障  1.事故原因经过  我厂某生产车间因新增了一台电动机,需要在其0.4kV配电室I段将电机的动力电缆及控制电缆从电机柜(不可抽出型)引出。当动力电缆接完后,施工人员接二次控制回路时,因不慎,将二次电线触到了空开上侧的带电分支母排,引发0.4kV单相接地短路。之后故
市场经济条件下,公路养护要发展,就必须融入到市场经济的运作中,养护机制改革就是养护要逐步向市场化、机械化、专业化迈进,实现管养分离。公路站作为公路养护生产管理的最基层单位,要适应新形势,提高思想认识,转变工作理念,建立一支爱岗敬业、业务精干、勇于奉献的基层养护人员队伍,正身有为的推进养护机制改革进行,努力提升公路养护管理服务水平。  1.认清形势,提高对养护机制改革的思想认识  要充分认识到养护机
【摘 要】在当前的经济发展过程中,城市化进程是主要指标之一。而在城市化进程中对失地农民社会保障需求的满足程度,成为了其中较为棘手的部分。“政府-集体经济”的社会保障模式在基于对失地农民社会保障的资金来源和供给方的讨论和对集体经济对失地农民的社会保障作用的论证中提出来,可以有效地解决短期内政府在保障失地农民政策中的缺陷,从而推动城乡一体化社会保障体系的建立。  【关键词】失地农民;社会保障;集体经济
【摘 要】随着工业化社会的不断发展,人类在生活和生产中对于产品的质量、结构安全也提出了新的要求。压力容器作为目前社会发展中应用最多的容器之一,其应力分析和结构整体性也越来越受到人们的关注。本文就压力容器基本概念、用途和设计要点入手进行了分析,简要探讨了其回转曲面与回转壳体之间存在的关系,以供相关工作人员参考。  【关键词】压力容器;应力分析;回转曲面  随着国民经济、科学化技术和贸易交流的不断加强
【摘 要】随着经济的迅速发展以及科学技术水平的不断提高,我国的矿产产业取得了较大程度上的进步,为我国国民经济的发展以及人民生活水平的提高做出重要贡献。在这种环境之下,矿山产业的要求逐渐提高,原先的矿采设备应经难以适应矿产行业的迅速发展,针对这种情况,我国的矿采行业也逐步实现了矿采设备的更新换代。对于现代设备而言,它不仅仅是单纯的机械产品,而是在此基础之上取得了更深层次的发展,逐步实现了机电一体化。
【摘 要】大连,作为东北最先开放的城市,从新世纪开始,新一轮的商务服务业转移也已渐成为趋势,而大连正处于从资本驱动阶段向创新阶段转型的萌芽期,同时也是国际化发展的起步阶段,需要导入更高级的商务办公经济形态带动城市的整体提升,现代办公服务业将成为城市提升的突破口。  【关键词】目标要素;花园办公;滨水空间;绿色生态;交流性;私密性  1.项目概况及区域分析  位于大连西北部,甘井子区砬子山脚下的一片
【摘 要】随着我国经济的发展和人们生活水平的提高,建筑行业成为我国的主导产业之一,特别是在施工的过程中,高层建筑的建筑水平正不断的提高,如何更好的提高施工的水平,做好项目的不断完善,对于我国的建筑行业具有十分重要的意义,因此现阶段,对于我国施工单位和一些建筑行业的发展来说,搞好建筑质量是提升建筑工程的重要方面,本文从这个角度出发,重点阐述了在我国各项建筑过程中存在的技术方面的施工方法,供同行参考。
【摘 要】为了探析地方高师体育教育专业运动人体科学实验课程的情况,本文以衡阳师范学院为例,对其现状进行分析。结果表明:实验课形式仍依附于理论课、实验课内容陈旧、实验课学时数少、实验课场地不能达到国家规定的要求、实验课仪器配置还有待加强、实验课教师队伍整体结构合理、实验课教学效果不理想。提出加强运动人体科学实验课教学的对策,需要改革实验课程体系,重新构建实验内容体系,改变实验教学理念,加强实验员队伍
【Abstract】China has been the fastest growing economy over three decades, Increasing investment has been important driver of China’s economic growth, China can hold its exports rate by the low labor co