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心中的圆明园曾是这般安宁。 夕阳的余辉下,残荷、稻田、村舍、泥路,静静地环抱着一群高高低低、倾斜残缺的石柱。那氛围,那意境是圆明园所特有的。 后来,听说圆明园不再安宁了。历史废园改建成了遗址公园,人工湖里游船绱徉,游乐宫里欢声不断,空中飘荡着震耳的流行歌曲,草地上躺着丢弃的易拉罐。再后来,还听说要依据图纸,将已经湮灭的壮丽重新呈现在世人眼前…… 于是,圆明园不再安宁。几次上京城,都不敢再去圆明园,为的是想保留心中的那份安宁。 记得作家冯骤才先生对历史遗迹的整修,有过一个独到的见解:整旧如新是消灭历史,整旧如旧是保存历史,整旧如初是回到历史原貌。推倒重建,涂 Yuanmingyuan heart was so peaceful. Afterglow sunset, residual load, paddy fields, cottages, mud road, quietly surrounded by a group of high and low, slanted pillar. That atmosphere, that mood is unique to Yuanmingyuan. Later, I heard that the Summer Palace is no longer peaceful. Historic wasteland converted into a ruins park, artificial lake cruise, the Pleasure Palace incessantly, floating in the air with pop music, lying on the grass discarded cans. Later, I also heard that according to the drawings, the spectacular annihilation has been reappeared in the eyes of the world ... Therefore, the Summer Palace is no longer peaceful. Several times on the capital, are afraid to go to Yuanmingyuan, in order to keep the peace of mind. I remember the writer Mr. Feng Tse-cai on the renovation of historic sites, there is a unique view: the whole as new is the elimination of history, the whole is as old as the preservation of history, the whole as always, is back to the original history. Rebuild, Tu
This study aims at versatile synthesis of 3-arm ABC-type(A=poly(?-caprolactone), PCL; B=poly(N-isopropylacrylamide), PNIPAM; C=poly(tert-butyl acrylate), Pt BA,
面对新一轮的大洪水,在争议声中建立起来的世界第一坝,被人提及已经不再是建与不建之争,而是它对长江流域的防控功能如何体现。    7月20日8时,三峡大坝稳稳挡住了流量达70000立方米/秒的特大洪峰。  在洪峰来临时,三峡坝区甚至有数千名游客专程前来观看洪峰过坝的壮观景象。面对新一轮的大洪水,在争议声中建立起来的世界第一坝,被人提及已经不再是建与不建之争,而是它对长江流域的防控功能如何体现。  洪
农历正月十五元宵节,旧称上元节。自古以来,元宵节夜晚又有观灯的习俗,故又叫灯节。相传至令,我国民间仍把它看成春节后第一个传统节日。 元宵节究竟起于何时?有多种传说。
A novel copolymer with fluorescence properties in mesoporous silica SBA-15 was prepared via a combination of surface-initiated reversible addition-fragmentation
目的 探讨孕康口服液对先兆流产的临床效果。方法  5 80例先兆流产用孕康口服液 2 0ml,每日三次 ,连用二周。对照组 10 0例 ,安宫黄体酮 2 0mg ,肌肉注射 ,连用 10天。结果