严禁买卖金钱鳘鱼胶 保护黄唇鱼及加湾石首鱼

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本刊讯新年伊始,我国再次重拳出击,严厉打击非法经营利用濒危物种及其制品行为。1月9日,农业部渔业渔政管理局、工商总局市场规范管理司和濒危物种进出口管理办公室联合在广州举办“打击非法经营利用黄唇鱼及加利福尼亚湾石首鱼专项执法行动”启动仪式,开启了为期一个月的针对非法经营利用黄唇鱼及加湾石首鱼鱼鳔的市场清查与宣传教育活动。国家濒管办孟宪林常务副主任、国家工商总局市场规范管理司刘宏伟副司 At the beginning of the new year, our country again took a heavy blow and cracked down on the illegal operation and use of endangered species and their products. On January 9, the Fisheries and Fisheries Administration of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Market Standardization Management Department of SAIC and the Office of Import and Export Management of Endangered Species jointly organized the “Special Enforcement of Combatting the Use of Yellow-Lipped Fishes and Bay Tuna in the Bay of California” The ceremony kicked off a month-long market inventory and publicity campaign against the illegal operation of the yellow-billed fish and the Gulf of Gulf fish headfish. National Endangered Office Meng Xianlin executive vice director of the State Administration for Industry Standardization Management Division Liu Hongwei, deputy director
摘 要:运用多媒体课件进行教学是指在教学过程中,根据教学目标和教学对象的特点,通过教学设计,合理选择和运用现代教学媒体,并与传统教学手段有机组合,共同参与教学全过程,以多种媒体信息作用于学生,形成合理的教学过程结构,达到最优化的教学效果。本文提出,在课堂教学中,我们如能适时恰当地选用多媒体来辅助教学,以形象具体的“图、文、声、像”来创造教学的文体化情景,将抽象的教学内容具体化、清晰化,则能使学生思