夕阳如血,映红半边天际。一位满头银头的老人手握扫帚,唰啦唰啦,一下紧似一下地清扫街道。 1983年,他离休了,市爱卫会聘请他负责管理城里的环境和食品卫生,他常常出入于臭气熏天的厕所,忙碌于风雨不遮的大街小巷,督促大家把城里的街道扫得干干净净。后来,他又被老干局和街道聘请去管理文化娱乐活动室。去年5月,正值活动旺季,他每天工作需10小时,正在这时,老伴去北京探亲,他既要上班又要为孙子做饭、洗衣服,领导看他太辛苦了,提出给他换换工作,他不肯,坚持干了下来。1986年,党组织委派
Blood sunset, red half-horizon. A silver-haired old man with a broomstick, laughed, cleaned up the street as soon as possible. In 1983, he retired, City Ai Wei will hired him responsible for the management of the city’s environment and food hygiene, he often out of smelly toilets, busy in the stormy streets, urging everyone to the city Sweep the streets clean. Later, he was hired by the Lao Gan Ju and the streets to manage cultural and entertainment rooms. In May last year, during the busy season, he worked 10 hours a day. At this moment, his wife went to visit relatives in Beijing. He had to go to work and cook for his grandchildren. He changed his job and refused to stick to it. In 1986, the party appointed