水稻的遗传研究与玉米、麦类、番茄的遗传研究相比而言,落后了一大段。尽管 Nagao(1961)、Takahashi(1963)和 Iwata 等(1970)曾提出了12个水稻连锁群,但这些连锁群是否彼此独立却未能证实。1963年,国际稻作所召开的水稻遗传及细胞遗传学讨论会,建议应用水稻初级三体技术,以鉴定12个染色体和12个连锁群之间的相应关系(木原均,1964)。水稻初级三体是指植株比正常的多一个额外染色体(2n=2x+1)。这样,染色体Ⅰ如有三份,则称三体1,Ⅻ有三份,则叫三体12。人们可从多种途径获得一整套三体,即三体1至三体12。不少专家和学者曾利用水稻同
Genetic research in rice lags behind a large segment of the genetic study of corn, wheat and tomato. Although 12 rice linkage groups have been proposed by Nagao (1961), Takahashi (1963) and Iwata et al. (1970), whether these linkage groups are independent of each other has not been demonstrated. In 1963, the International Rice Research Symposium on Rice Heredity and Cytogenetics recommended the use of rice trisomic techniques to identify the associations between 12 chromosomes and 12 linkage groups (Kiyuhara, 1964). Rice trisomy means more extra chromosomes than normal (2n = 2x + 1). In this way, if there are three copies of chromosome I, then called trisomy 1, Ⅻ have three, then called trisomy 12. There are many ways people can get a complete set of trisomy, namely trisomy 1 to trisomy 12. Many experts and scholars have used rice