1997~1998年对宁波、鄞县、杭州等11个县、市、区约12万hm2 的冷季型草坪进行调查,结果表明:引起冷季型草坪成团枯死的主要病原菌有6种腐霉菌、4种镰刀菌,3种丝核菌和草叶瘟菌;当年新播草坪大量枯死主要是由腐霉菌引起的幼苗猝倒和茎叶腐烂所致,二、三年生草坪上以镰刀菌和丝核菌引起的枯草团为主。腐霉菌的为害与草的播种期密切相关,从3月上旬至6月上旬,病害为害程度随播种期的推迟而急剧加重,上年10月下旬以后至当年3月上旬之前播种可减轻腐霉菌的为害
From 1997 to 1998, about 120,000 hm2 of cold-season turf in 11 counties, cities and districts of Ningbo, Yinxian and Hangzhou were investigated. The results showed that there were 6 kinds of pathogenic fungi in the main pathogen that caused the cold-season turf to die, 4 kinds of Fusarium, 3 kinds of Rhizoctonia and grass leaf Magnoliaceae; the newly sown lawn a large number of dead mainly caused by the Pythium seedlings catapulted and stems and leaves decay caused by second and third year lawn Fusarium and silk Caused by nuclear bacteria caused by subtilis. The harm of Pythium is closely related to the sowing period of grass. From the beginning of March to the beginning of June, the degree of disease damage aggravated sharply with the delay of sowing date. After late October last year and before the beginning of March of the same year, The damage