According to the main problems existing in seven nature reserves (protection stations) within the Qinling Nature Reserve, the author proposes ways to solve the problems. The main issues are as follows: 1. The shape, size and boundary of Niubeiliang Nature Reserve are unreasonable. Second, due to the different investment and establishment time, the development of natural reserves is not balanced. Third, the seriousness of commercial logging in the surrounding areas; Fourth, the erode of agriculture, the illegal use of natural resources can not be stopped; Fifth, the traffic roads through the protected areas, affecting the exchange of animal genes; Sixth, the lack of unified tourism development. The main measures to be taken are as follows: 1. Establish joint management zones and biological corridor zones in major animal activity zones; 2. Strengthen the management and investment of Laoxiancheng Nature Reserve; 3. Strengthen the management of the roads along the protected areas; Solve over-utilization of resources and carry out community co-management work; five, standardized management of tourism; six, carry out a variety of business income.