听说梅陇镇华二1队的那家个体木行已彻底整 治完毕,我便赶忙驱车前往。历时10个月的艰难整治,该木行的火灾隐患终于得到彻底解决,实在不容易。这是我第二次来到这块曾被当作木行的土地前,望着眼前一马平川的土地,我不禁感慨万千…… 1999年3月19日,当我第一次看到这个木行时,我被眼前的景象吓了一跳:满目所见到处都是垒得高高低低的木板,高的超过2层楼房,矮的也有1人高,间或
I heard that the town of Meilong Longhua two teams that individual wood has been completely rehabilitated, I quickly drove to. After 10 months of hard remediation, the hidden danger of the wood fire line finally been completely solved, it is not easy. This is the second time I came to this piece of land that was once considered as a wooden plank, I could not help but feel a gigantic feeling ... On March 19, 1999, when I first saw this wood As I walked, I was startled by the sight of my eyes: all the places I saw were high and low wooden boards, high over two floors, and short ones, one high,