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深受千百万读者景仰,并被国人誉为“民族魂”的鲁迅先生,不仅是五四新文化的卓越代表,现代文学的主要奠基者,同时也是20世纪中国思想文化界的伟人和具有世界影响的杰出作家。他生活在风雨如磐的旧中国,却以大无畏的英雄气概和一 Lu Xun, admired by millions of readers and hailed as a “national soul” by his countrymen, is not only the outstanding representative of the May Fourth new culture, the main founder of modern literature, but also the great man of the Chinese ideological and cultural circles in the 20th century and the Outstanding writer influenced by the world. He lives in the stormy old China, but with dauntless heroism and one