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2006年,是天津滨海新区开发开放纳入国家总体发展战略实施新一轮建设的起始年,天津统计局公布的数字显示,新区全面落实科学发展观,积极推进综合配套改革,经济保持了又好又快发展,各项社会事业取得新进步,实现了良好开局。新区实现财政收入380亿元。全年完成生产总值1960.5亿元,比2005年增长20.2%,占天津市GDP比重达45%,对天津经济增长贡献率为51.4%,成为天津经济增长的最大引擎。 2006 is the start of Tianjin Binhai New Area Development and Opening up integrated into the overall national development strategy implementation of the new round of construction, statistics released by Tianjin Statistics Bureau, the new district to fully implement the scientific concept of development, and actively promote the comprehensive reform, the economy has maintained a good The rapid development of all social undertakings made new progress and achieved a good start. New District to achieve fiscal revenue of 38 billion yuan. The GDP of the whole year was 196.05 billion yuan, an increase of 20.2% over 2005, accounting for 45% of the GDP of Tianjin and 51.4% of the economic growth of Tianjin, becoming the largest engine of economic growth in Tianjin.
(E)-β-Famesene(EβF) synthase catalyses the production of EβF,which for many aphids is the main or only component of the alarm pheromone causing the repellenc
A 2- year- old girl with recurrent severe varicella infections had a fatal outcome. Studies of cellular and humoral immunity were normal. No natural killer (NK)
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