象似性包括顺序,距离,数量等象似原则。本文从象似性的角度出发,结合英汉双宾结构的特点,发现:英汉“NP V NPi NPd”(双宾)双宾结构中距离象似性处于主导地位,而“NP V NPd P NPi”(介宾)双宾结构中顺序象似性处于主导地位。英语中双宾结构只有给予义,汉语中双宾构式既有给予义又有取得义。不同的句法形式对应不同的语义重点。距离象似性和顺序象似性常伴随出现,共同制约着英汉双宾结构的构成。
Iconicity includes the order, distance, number and other iconic principles. In this paper, from the perspective of iconicity, we find that distance iconicity dominates the dual-object structure of “NP V NPi NPd” (English and Chinese), while “NP V NPd P NPi ”(guest) double object structure in the order of iconicity is in the dominant position. Double-object structure in English is only given meaning. Chinese double object structure has both meaning and justice. Different syntactic forms correspond to different semantic priorities. Iconicity and ordinal iconicity are often accompanied by distance, which constrain the composition of English-Chinese double-object structure.