有人把新闻网站比作新闻媒体的“自助餐”,因为它全由网民自主地选择网址、点击新闻。网络读者主动地猎取而非被动地接受信息这一特点,决定了新闻网站要在激烈的竞争中生存、发展,首先要得到广大网民的认可,否则,网民不领你的情,不上你的门,一切都无从谈起。 因此,对我国的新闻网站来说,不仅要坚持正确的舆论导向,还要让广大网民喜闻乐见,关键是要在正确把握并保持传统媒体的原“基因”的同时,用心培育并运用好网络媒体的新“特征”。
Some people like to compare a news website with a “buffet” of the news media because it is entirely self-selected by netizens and click on the news. Internet readers take the initiative to hunt rather than passively accept the message of this feature determines the news website to survive in the fierce competition, the development must first be recognized by the majority of Internet users, otherwise, Internet users do not take your love, not your Door, everything is impossible. Therefore, for our news websites, we should not only adhere to the correct direction of public opinion, but also let the masses of Internet users enjoy themselves. The key point is that while correctly grasping and maintaining the original “genes” of traditional media, we should nurture and utilize good online media The new “characteristics.”