根据马铃薯垄作栽培种植要求,研发了3Z-1.6型垄作马铃薯中耕机。利用实体设计软件CAXA及有限元分析软件Fempro进行了计算机辅助设计,确定了马铃薯中耕机的总体结构以及各工作部件参数。田间试验证明,该机具起垄行距一致性变异系数3.4%,沟底覆土厚度5.2 cm,入土行程0.9 m,达到了设计要求,已经小面积推广应用。
According to the requirements of cultivation of potato ridge cultivation, research and development of 3Z-1.6 ridge potato cultivation machine. Computer-aided design was carried out by using entity design software CAXA and finite element analysis software Fempro to determine the overall structure of potato cultivator and the parameters of various working components. Field tests showed that the uniformity coefficient of variation of ridge spacing was 3.4%, the thickness of soil covering bottom was 5.2 cm and the soil embarkation stroke was 0.9 m, which met the design requirements and had been popularized and applied in a small area.