民国时期 ,相当多的“学人”任事于外交 ,担当重要的外交职务 ,乃为民国外交人事结构变动的新景观。这一变动打破了长期以来职业外交官对整个外交界的垄断 ,造成外交人事结构新的重组以及“学人”自身角色地位的转换 ,同时也引发了他们与职业外交官在外交理念上的矛盾与冲突。而这一切显然与国内特定的社会环境和现代外交发展的走向有关
During the period of the Republic of China, a considerable number of “academics” worked in diplomacy and played an important diplomatic role, which was a new landscape for the changes in the structure of diplomatic personnel in the Republic of China. This change broke the longstanding monopoly of professional diplomats over the entire diplomatic community, created a new restructuring of the diplomatic personnel structure and changed the status of “academics” themselves, and at the same time triggered conflicts in their diplomatic ideologies with professional diplomats And conflict. All of this clearly relates to the specific social environment in China and the development of modern diplomacy