涉入采访是隐性采访的一种方式,是指记者在不公开身份、不说明采访意图的前提下,涉入新闻事件之中,成为新闻事件的“经历者”,亲身经历和感受事件的真相。记者“冒充”某一特殊身份涉人到新闻事件中是涉入采访的显在特征。 在中国新闻史上,涉人采访早已有之。1936年秋,著名记者范长江奉《大公报》社命,化装成一名公司职员,只身深入西蒙额济纳旗,刺探日本人入侵西蒙的动向,就是一次成功的涉入采访。在市场经济的历史条件下,新闻竞争空前激烈,“抢
Involved in interviews is a way of implicit interview, refers to the journalists in the public identity, do not explain the intent of the interview, involved in the news events, as news events “experience”, personal experience and feelings of events the truth. The fact that a reporter “impersonates” a particular identity to a news event is an obvious feature of the interview. In the history of Chinese news, interviews have long been involved. In the autumn of 1936, Fan Changjiang, a well-known journalist, was enshrined in Ta Kung Pao and dressed as a staff member of the company. He went into the Ejina Banner of Simon and penetrated into the Japanese invasion of Simon. It was a successful interview. Under the historical conditions of the market economy, the news competition is unprecedentedly fierce, "grab