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1988年国庆前夕,在新授衔的中国人民解放军将官中,有一位是江西女将军,她就是全军五位新一代女将军之一,解放军第三军医大学副校长李希楷。李希楷现年57岁,祖籍江西省武宁县,生于北京,少时就读于江西永新、泰和、武宁等地,1950年从南昌省立女中考入解放军第六军医大学(1954年并入重庆第七军医大学,1975年更名为第三军医大学)。毕业后留校任内科医生、助教、主治医师、讲师、内科副主任、内科教研室副主任兼循环系主任等职。1953年入团,1956年入党。1983年后分别任中国人民解放军第三军医大学第二附属医院院长、政委。1986年调任第三军 On the eve of the National Day of 1988, one of the newly appointed generals of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army was a general of Jiangxi Province. She is one of the five new generation generals of the army and Li Xikai, vice chancellor of the Third Military Medical University of the People’s Liberation Army. Li Xikai is 57 years old. His ancestral home was in Wuning County, Jiangxi Province. Born in Beijing, he studied at Yongxin, Taihe and Wuning areas in Jiangxi Province. In 1950, he was admitted to the Sixth Military Medical University of People’s Liberation Army from Nanchang Provincial Female College (merged into Chongqing in 1954) Seventh Military Medical University, 1975 renamed the Third Military Medical University). After graduation, he stayed as a physician, assistant professor, attending physician, lecturer, deputy director of internal medicine department, vice director of department of internal medicine and director of circulation department. Into the group in 1953, joined the party in 1956. After 1983, he served as the Second Affiliated Hospital of the Third People’s Liberation Army Third Military Medical University, political commissar. In 1986 transferred to the third army
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In this paper, a novel model-free periodic adaptive ramp metering scheme is presented for a freeway traffic system, which can be formulated as a general MIMO no