【摘 要】
译/丁迪星 莱昂内尔·安德列斯·梅西,一名来自阿根廷的足球运动员,目前正效力于巴塞罗那俱乐部,担当队中的第二前锋。
US Release Date:December7th.2007 Studio:New Line Cinema. director:Chris Welzt. Stanlng:Nicole Kldman.EvaGreen,DanieI Craig DakotaBlue Richards. GeFire:Action,Adventure. Drama,Fantasy,Thriller
Campaigners for the EngIish language attacked a growing tendency for“obVioUS”pubIic information posters.such as a poliice s'ign urging peopIe:“Don't Commic Crime.”other exampIes highljghted by the PIa
译/向 娜 我们一般都以为颜色就是眼睛看到的色彩,眼睛是获得颜色信息的唯一的、可靠的途径。 然而最新的科学研究却发现,即使是亲眼看到的颜色也未必就是事物本身的颜色……
the king was bom Elvis Aaron Presley,8 January 1935 in Tupelo.Mississippi.USA He died thirty years ago in 1977,In Memphis.tennessee.
编注/陶 然 January5 Hayao Miyazaki(宫崎骏),66.
译/向 娜 研究者在一项研究中指出,美丽的面孔这所以看上去漂亮,可能是因为我们的大脑很容易接受它们,同样也可能是由于它们就是人类的“典型”。科学家说,这些观点可以解释为什么之前的研究发现人们更喜欢普通的相貌。
1、You were bom wim all the sincere hodes from your famiIy.Your arrival made a big difference to the Iittle world around.With the whole familv deVoting themselVes to loVing you,you gradually began to w
选注/叶 赛寡言少语的你亲从没有向我讲过决心、坚定和信念,而泡菜坛子却比任何华丽的辞藻更为有力地教授了我这些美德。
编注/沈 冰 亚瑟与迷你国 Starring:Freddie Highmore,Mia Farrow,Madonna(voice),David Bowie(voice),Snoop Dogg(voice)
ChriStmaS hiStory The story of Christmas begins with the birth of a babv in Bethlehem.It is believed that Christ was bom on the 25th. although the exact month is unknown.It was in 35o AD that Decem