目的一起由乙型溶血性链球菌引起的食物中毒事件,依据国标检验方法,结合新的检验试剂与方法,快速为食物中毒事件的处理提供检验依据。方法依据GB/T4789-2003(食品卫生微生物学检验)和GB14938-1994(食品中毒诊断标准及技术处理总则)。结果 29人中有5人的大便中检出乙型溶血性链球菌,1名厨师的大便中检出乙型溶血性链球菌,经流行病调查及实验室检测证实这是一起由乙型溶血型链球菌引起的食物中毒。结论溶血性链球菌在自然界中分布较广,存在于水、空气、尘埃、粪便及健康人和动物的口腔、鼻腔、咽喉中,可通过直接接触、空气飞沫传播或通过皮肤、黏膜伤口感染,被污染的食品如奶、肉、蛋及其制品也会对人类进行感染。上呼吸道感染患者、人畜化脓性感染部位常成为食品污染的污染源。
The purpose of the food poisoning caused by hemolytic streptococcus B event, based on the national standard test methods, combined with new test reagents and methods to quickly provide a test basis for the handling of food poisoning incidents. Methods Based on GB / T4789-2003 (Food Hygiene Microbiology test) and GB14938-1994 (Food poisoning diagnostic criteria and technical treatment General). Results of 29 people in the stool was detected in hemolytic streptococcus B, a chef in the stool detection of hemolytic streptococcus B, epidemiological investigation and laboratory tests confirmed that this is a combination of B hemolysis Streptococcus causes food poisoning. Conclusion Hemolytic streptococcus is widely distributed in nature and exists in the mouth, nose and throat of water, air, dust, feces and healthy human and animals, and can be infected by direct contact, air droplets spread or through skin and mucous membrane wounds Contaminated foods such as milk, meat, eggs and their products can also infect humans. Patients with upper respiratory tract infection, suppurative infection sites often become sources of contamination of food contamination.