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典型的传统中国审美情调——乍看去,孙建春的《军装睡莲》有种不假思索的文雅。当我们循着作品名称的提示仔细端详起画面,才会注意到莲叶上的领子和纽扣,一切隐蔽的、有关现代军装的细节。我们猛然发现,在表面的光滑下,艺术家精心布置了让人不安而充满荒诞感的对峙:军装制成的莲叶指向权力的喧嚣和世俗话语,而佛家的传统则赋予一朵中国莲花终极的宁静和出世精神,这安静的画面里竟暗藏了我们所不熟悉的、似乎远离东方审美的玄机。从手段上说,艺术家对中国传统绘画进行了一次主动保持距离的重复,一次暗渡陈仓的戏仿。与常见的后现代式戏仿中对传统的反讽和互文有所差别的是,《军装睡莲》在一次对传统的现代式突袭后,却在一切玄机背后呈现了一个典型中国传统文人的精神面貌——再次凝视画面中依附于莲叶上的安静的睡莲,分明让人感受到我们的传统中一个永恒不变的话题:空是一切幻念的尽头。 Typical traditional Chinese aesthetics - at first glance, Sun Jianchun's “uniform Water Lily” there is a kind of thoughtless elegance. When we follow the prompts of the work name carefully scrutinize the screen, will notice the collar and buttons on the lotus leaf, all hidden, the details of modern military uniforms. We suddenly found that under the smooth surface, the artist elaborated a disturbing and full of absurd confrontation: the lotus leaf made of military uniform points to the hustle and bustle of power, while the Buddha's tradition gives the ultimate Chinese lotus Quiet and the spirit of the birth, this quiet picture actually hides what we are not familiar with, it seems far from the Oriental aesthetic mystery. Means from the means, the artist conducted a repetition of the initiative to keep a distance from traditional Chinese painting, and once drew the imitation of Chencang. And the common postmodern parody of the traditional irony and intertextual difference is that the “military uniform Water Lily” after a traditional modern raid, but in all the mysteries behind the spirit of a typical Chinese traditional literati Faces - Looking again at the quiet waterlily attached to a lotus leaf in the picture clearly shows one of the eternal topics of our tradition: empty is the end of all illusions.
Neil French16岁被撵出校门,后被赶离军队,混迹黑社会,干过靠钓老女人过日子的勾当,做过收租、业务、保镖、侍应生、歌手、斗牛士、摇滚乐团经理、宣传、业务,然后文案,最终
Simple sequence repeats (SSR) marker analysis, combined with pedigree analysis, was car- ried out to trace the genetic constitutes of Suinong 14 and Hefeng 25 i
崔海的大作出来了,说是要篇前言。我其实是很怕自己的文笔降低了他作品的档次。但转念一想,有些人是画以文章显,所以他们不惜千金找名家写美文,唯恐别人不解他画中之妙。就好像五十元钱的衣服非得挂个名标签,好把价钱标到五千。但真正的好画,明眼人都不会错过。崔海的画有目共睹,算得上是“天生丽质”,想来也无需我唱什么颂歌。有很多人想知道崔海为何画得这么好,下面说他几桩日常小事,也许大家能咂出点味道来。    其
本文从以下两方面进行论述:   目的:本研究拟测量甲状腺实性病灶的Strain Ratio比值,对甲状腺肿物的硬度进行半定量评估,并根据病灶硬度判断病灶良恶性,获得良恶性病灶鉴别诊断
目的:分析简易精神状态检查表(Mini-Mental State Examination,MMSE)在中国老年人群中测试结果的分布特征,制定MMSE量表的中国老年人常模(norms)。   方法:以《十一五国家