去年2月7日日本两位果树专家在长治市中日友好农场讲述了日本果树细型主干形树形培育过程,现介绍如下,供大家参考。 ①定干。秋栽或春栽的果苗,栽后在80厘米处定干,留20厘米的整形带(秋栽最好)。 ②第二年冬剪时,除中心干延长枝留一直立生长的枝条并对其适当短截外,整形带内发出的其余枝条全部疏除,迫使整形带以下的侧芽萌发侧枝。
February 7 last year, Japan, two fruit experts in Changzhi City, China and Japan friendly farm about the Japanese fruit tree trunk shape tree cultivation process, are presented below for your reference. ① set dry. Autumn planted or spring planted seedlings, planted at 80 cm dry, leaving 20 cm plastic band (autumn planted the best). ② The second year of winter shear, in addition to the central branch of the stem extension to keep a growing branch and its appropriate short cut, all the remaining branches issued within the plastic strip sparse, forcing the lateral bud below the plastic belt to sprout collateral.