This article reports a seven-year-old child with Kearns-Sayre syndrome. Due to palmitoyl-CoA synthetase defects lead to muscle lipid accumulation, limb weakness. Children with children, no family history of blood and similar illnesses, mental retardation. 2 years old found ptosis and retinal pigmentation. At age 7, he was hospitalized for 90 minutes without convulsions due to brief loss of consciousness. Physical examination: weight and height below normal 3%. Extraocular muscle paralysis, hearing loss, mild limb weakness, kyphosis and deformity foot. Retinal pigment degeneration, accompanied by many pigmented spots. ECG prompts tachycardia, depolarization disorders. EEG shows a wide range of scattered θ waves. Biceps and quadriceps EMG prompted myopathy. Serum creatine kinase 78.5 IU (normal 0-34), aldolase 37.5 U (normal 3-8), fructose-1-phosphate aldolase 3.5 U (normal 0), serum total lipids 790 mg% (normal children 378 ~ 510), CSF protein 187mg%. Biceps and quadriceps biopsy was done at 7 years old,