:红四方面军一部西渡黄河系中央意图 ,旨在实现宁夏战役计划。因张国焘未按中央“海打战役”计划配置兵力 ,致使北取宁夏的前提条件———“根本停止”南线敌人追击的目标落空 ,进而造成红四方面军过河部队孤悬河西的被动境地。中央在征求河西部队意见的情况下 ,赋予河西部队创建河西根据地、打通与苏联联系的新任务。战术上的失误是西路军遭重创的主因
: A Red Cross Fourth Division of the Yellow River is the central intention of the Central Division, designed to achieve Ningxia Campaign. Because Zhang Guotao did not deploy the troops as planned by the Central Government in the “Campaign of Hohai Campaign,” the prerequisite for taking Ningxia in the north was that the target of “basically stopping” enemy chase by the south line had been defeated and the Red Fourth Army crossed the river and left the passive habitat of the Hexi Corps . In seeking the opinions of the Hexi Corps, the Central Committee has given the Hexi Corps the task of creating a Hexi base and opening up new links with the Soviet Union. Tactical mistakes are the main cause of the West Route Army hit hard