杨树菇又名柱状田头菇,隶属伞菌目,粪锈伞科,田蘑属。其味道鲜美,盖肥柄脆,气味香浓,具有很高的营养价值;故其具有较好的经济效益和栽培前景。随着栽培年限的增长和栽培面积的日益扩大,其子实体病害也随之发生,现初报如下:1 细菌性腐烂病 病原分离出黄色假单孢杆菌
Poplar also known as column-shaped head mushroom, belonging to the order Agkistrodon, dung rust Umbrella, Tian mushroom genus. Its taste is delicious, cover fat and handle crisp, smell fragrant, with high nutritional value; so it has good economic and cultural prospects. With the growing years of cultivation and the growing area of cultivation, its fruiting body diseases also occur, the first report is as follows: 1 Bacterial rot disease pathogen isolated Pseudomonas yellow