我矿大山选矿厂有5台8′×20′双层振动筛和17台YAH2460单层振动筛。由于矿石性质属于高磷土矿,易与筛网粘结堵塞筛孔,常给生产造成很大困难。为此,我们对筛网作了改进。 1.用橡胶和聚氨脂代替原来的钢丝,借助橡胶和聚氨脂本身的弹性,减少矿石土与筛网粘结。 2.增加筛网刚度,提高开孔率。用钢丝绳骨架替代帆布骨架(骨架在筛网的实体部分纵向排列,
My mine Dashan concentrator has 5 8 × 20 double vibrating screens and 17 YAH2460 single-layer shale shakers. Due to the nature of the ore belongs to high-phosphorus earth mines, easy to mesh with the screen to plug the mesh, often caused great difficulties in production. To this end, we made improvements to the screen. 1. Rubber and polyurethane instead of the original steel wire, rubber and polyurethane with its own flexibility to reduce the ore and mesh bonding screen. 2. Increase the screen stiffness, increase the hole rate. Replacing canvas with wire rope skeleton framework (skeleton in the vertical part of the screen mesh entity,