Based on the changes of the earnings quality of the listed companies and the market system environment of our country, this paper studies the decision of the listed companies to change the investment banks. Our study finds that there is a nonlinear relationship between changes in the earnings quality of listed companies and investment bank changes. That is, companies tend to change their lead underwriters when their earnings quality is better or worse. When the company’s earnings quality is better , The listed company is more likely to change to a reputable investment bank engaged in SEO underwriting, the quality of listed companies and investment bank reputation exists in the relationship between the ratio. Listed companies in regions with better market institutions are less likely to change their investment banks. Once they change, they will choose reputable investment banks and state-owned holding companies are more likely to choose reputable investment banks. We think it is necessary to consider not only the change of listed companies’ quality, but also the relative special institutional environment and the ownership of listed companies in our country.