2014年5月12日,加拿大著名档案学家、国际档案界最具影响力的理论家之一的特里·库克(Terry Cook)因病逝世。噩耗传来,档案学界和历史学界深感悲痛。加拿大、北美乃至国际,报纸、广播、电视和网络等媒体发布了库克逝世的公告,表达哀痛和悼念之情。《加拿大历史》杂志在悼词中写道:“特里·库克的逝世使档案学界失去了一位巨人,历史学界失去了一位好朋友。加拿大档案界追悼的不仅是一位开创性的思想家,也是一位亲切的朋友,更是一位全世界青年一代档案工作者的导师。”
On May 12, 2014, Terry Cook, a famous Canadian archivist and one of the most influential theorists in the international archival world, died of the illness. Bad news came, archives and historians deeply saddened. Media such as Canada, North and South America, and newspapers, radio, television, and the Internet released a proclamation of the death of Cook, expressing his sorrow and mourning. In his eulogy, Canadian History wrote: “Terry Cook’s death has lifted a giants in archival science and lost a good friend to the historians. The memorial service of the Canadian archives is not only a groundbreaking Thinker, a kind friend, and a mentor to a generation of archivists around the world. ”