Based on the GRACE data and the combined satellite altimetry and seawater temperature and salinity data, three GIA models (RF3L20, Pau-5-Ra and Pel-5-VM4-R) GIA corrections for the trend of seawater quality from 2004 to 2010. Compared with the corrected result, the change tendency of seawater quality obtained by the above two methods is consistent after corrected by Pel-5-VM4-R model. When the other two GIA models are corrected, the difference between the two methods is more Big. The present study shows that the GIA correction using the Pel-5-VM4-R model is relatively suitable when using the GRACE data to reverse the trend of seawater quality, and the contribution of seawater quality changes to the global mean sea level change from 2004 to 2010 was 1.5 ~ 2.0mm / a.