近日,读了明代陈继儒的《见闻录》,颇有一些感想。书中说:“徐文贞督学浙中,有秀才结题内用颜苦孔之卓语,徐公批曰:杜撰。后散卷,秀才前对曰:‘此句出扬子云法言上。’公即于堂上应声云:‘本道不幸科第早,未曾读得书。’遂揖秀才云:‘承敬了。’众情大服。”在那以八股取士的年代,作为督学不知“颜苦孔之卓”语出何处,批成杜撰,不谓不丢面子。但由于他不摆督学架子,并且当众恭敬地向秀才施礼,使“众情大服”,面子失而复得。 然而当今,有的人反而不如这位督学先生爽快。有了缺点错误,总要文过饰非,讳疾忌医。生
Recently, read the Ming Dynasty Chenji Ru’s “Herald Record”, quite a few thoughts. The book said: “Xu Wenzheng inspectors in Zhejiang, there are scholar knot in the title with Yan bitter hole, Xu Gong approved said: fabricated. After the Scatter, scholar before saying: The public at the church should sound cloud: ’Unfortunately, the first section of the road, did not read the book.’ Sui Xiu Cai Yun: ’respect for the’ public service. ’In the era of eight-year-old candidates, as a supervisor I do not know’ Yen Zhuozhuzhizhuo ”language out of a lot, approved as a fictitious, do not lose face. However, since he did not put the stand on suspicion of education and publicly and salute the elite in public, so that “all things are uniforms,” his face is lost. However, today, some people are not as good as the inspector Mr. With the shortcomings and errors, the total text to show off, taboo treatment. Health