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高超声速飞行器在巡航或再入过程中面临着严酷的气动力/热/噪声等复合环境,对热防护系统结构的完整性和耐久性提出了严峻挑战。热环境下的动特性是进行结构动态响应分析和优化设计的基础,本文对四周简支的飞行器热防护系统金属加筋壁板热动特性进行了分析,使用有限元软件NASTRAN建立分析模型,基于理论和有限元方法获得了壁板结构热屈曲临界温度,研究了热环境对固有振动频率和固有振型的影响,对比分析了均匀和非均匀温度场对结构模态的影响。结果表明,壁板结构在热环境下易发生屈曲,热模态分析中需考虑热屈曲、大位移变形等因素。同时证实热环境对壁板结构动特性影响较大,结构的固有振动频率随热环境下弹性模量的降低而减小,热应力对结构的固有振动频率和振型都有影响,当温度场分布改变时,固有振动频率的变化规律基本相同,固有振型则不同。 Hypersonic vehicles face harsh aerodynamic / thermal / noise conditions during cruise or reentry, posing a serious challenge to the integrity and durability of thermal protection systems. The dynamic characteristics under thermal environment are the basis of dynamic response analysis and optimization design. In this paper, the thermal characteristics of metal stiffened siding panels with thermal insulation system for simply supported aircraft are analyzed. The analytical model is established by using finite element software NASTRAN. Theory and finite element method, the critical temperature of thermal buckling of wall structure was obtained. The influence of thermal environment on natural frequency and natural mode was studied. The effect of uniform and inhomogeneous temperature field on structure modal was analyzed. The results show that the wall structure is prone to buckling under the thermal environment. The thermal modal analysis needs to consider such factors as thermal buckling and large displacement deformation. At the same time, it is confirmed that the thermal environment has a great influence on the dynamic characteristics of the wall structure. The natural frequency of the structure decreases with the decrease of the elastic modulus under the thermal environment. The thermal stress affects both the natural vibration frequency and the vibration mode of the structure. When the distribution is changed, the variation regularity of the natural vibration frequency is basically the same, while the natural vibration mode is different.
目的 探讨检测红细胞表面抗体IgG对新生儿母子血型不合溶血病的诊断意义。  方法 选自 2 0 0 1年 11月~ 2 0 0 2年 7月间收治的足月儿新生儿溶血病 5 0例 ,根据子直接Coomb
采用溶液培养方法,研究了0.01、0.1、0.3、0.6、1 mmol·L-1等不同浓度外源硫化氢供体硫氢化钠(Na HS)对干旱条件下玉米幼苗叶片及根系水分生理特性的影响。结果表明,干旱
<正> 九十年代以来,面对着日益严重的环境问题,我国学界提出了生态文明的范畴并对这一范畴的思想内容展开了讨论。现将近年来的研究讨论情况综述如下。一、关于生态文明的涵
选择适当的继续教育模式 ,是保证教师培训质量的重要环节。本文对当前较有代表性的个人开发、学校本位、科研驱动型、课程中心、远距离培训等几种培训模式作了较为系统的对比
为提高荞麦种子萌发率及其愈伤组织的诱导效果,研究了不同激素对苦荞(Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn.)种子萌发以及外植体诱导愈伤组织的影响.结果表明:(1)在25℃时,未经赤霉素预处理,但
进行了甲基铝氧烷(MAO)合成的中试研究.考察了MAO合成中试流程,系统运行的稳定性和产品应用性能等因素.实验结果表明,MAO中试试验过程的收率稳定在40%以上,批产量达到76 kg(1