1991年以来收治精索扭转4例,报告如下,并结合文献讨论。 1 临床资料本组4例,年龄10个月~38岁。左侧发病3例,右侧1例。病程分别为4h、6h、3.5天和4天。4例均以突然发作的睾丸剧烈疼痛起病,3例于睡眠中发生,3例有腰腹部放射痛,均伴有恶心呕吐。检查睾丸坚实肿大,固定。2例阴囊内精索扭转者,睾丸位置上移,1例附睾位于睾丸前方,1例睾丸与附睾界限不清,阴囊红肿,阴囊抬
Since 1991, sphincter cord in 4 cases, the report is as follows, combined with the literature discussion. 1 Clinical data The group of 4 patients, aged 10 months to 38 years old. The incidence of left 3 cases, right in 1 case. Course of disease were 4h, 6h, 3.5 days and 4 days. All of the 4 cases developed sudden onset of severe pain in testis, 3 cases occurred during sleep, 3 cases had radiotherapy of waist and abdomen with nausea and vomiting. Check the testes firm swollen, fixed. 2 cases of sphincter spermatic cord twisting, testis position up, 1 case of epididymis in front of the testis, 1 case of testis and epididymis ill-defined, scrotal swelling, scrotum lift