世界上所有摄影师最希望被选中的出版社只有德国的史泰德(Steidl)出版社。2013年获百达Prix Pictet摄影奖的米奇·爱泼斯坦的《纽约树木》是该出版社2013年出版的非常漂亮的一本书。以四十二幅作品,表达了作者对于城中巨树的伤怀与崇敬之情。这部美妙的摄影集,好似一首歌颂强韧生命之树的赞美诗。这组照片在2014年法国阿尔勒摄影节的百达奖回顾展中可以看到。想到人类不愿聆听大自然的话语,我便感到悲哀。——维克多·雨果
The only publishers that most photographers in the world want to be selected are the Steidl press in Germany. Mitch Epstein’s New York Trees, winner of the Patek Prix Pictet Photography Award 2013, is a very beautiful book published by the publisher in 2013. In forty-two works, I express the writer’s sadness and admiration for the giant trees in the city. This wonderful collection of photographs is like a hymn that praises the tree of life. This group of photos can be found at the Patek’s Retrospective 2014 in Arles, France. I am saddened to think of humanity’s unwillingness to listen to nature’s words. --Victor Hugo