我们组现有职工10人,年龄最大的45岁,最小的19 岁,平均年龄31岁,担负着炼钢生产的主要任务。工作在高空、高温液体、易燃易爆和立体交叉的恶劣环境中。近几年,我们狠抓了创建安全生产标准班组工作,实行群防群治,已经连续5年无人身设备事故,千人负伤率为零。1985年底经厂、公司?
Our group currently employs 10 people, the oldest 45 years old, the youngest 19 years old, average age 31 years old, responsible for the main task of steelmaking. Work in high altitude, high temperature liquid, flammable and explosive cross-harsh environment. In recent years, we have paid close attention to the work of creating standards groups for work safety and practiced mass prevention and mass control. We have been in a no-man equipment accident for five years in a row, and the rate of injuries per thousand people is zero. By the end of 1985, the company?