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“十二五”以来,国家对粮食采取了最低收购价格保护政策,相对棉花而言,单作棉花并没有种植粮食的效益高,因而出现了粮食与棉花争地的局面。“麦、棉套种”既能解决粮食供应问题,又能解决棉花供求关系,还能解决春棉单作带来的冬春季棉田闲置问题,是一种值得研究推广的种植模式。2010—2011年,笔者所在团队在河南省扶沟县开展了“中棉所60”与小麦不同套种模式研究(包括五一式、四一式、六二式),结果表明“六二式”栽培效益更优。现将其主要技术总结如下,供棉农朋友参考。 Since the 12th Five-Year Plan, the state has adopted the policy of protecting the minimum purchase price of grain. Compared with cotton, the high benefit of not planting grain for cotton alone is high, resulting in the dispute over grain and cotton. “Wheat and cotton intercropping ” can not only solve the grain supply problem, but also solve the cotton supply and demand, but also solve the idle spring and winter cotton fields brought by single spring cotton, which is a kind of planting mode worthy of research and popularization. 2010-2011, the author’s team carried out in Fugou County, Henan Province, “CIMC 60” and wheat interplanting different models (including the May 1, April 1, June 2), the results show that Two-type "cultivation more effective. Now the main technical summary is as follows, for cotton farmers friends reference.