田汉同志的《关汉卿》是一出好戏,思想性和艺术性都很强烈,这一点几乎是众口一辞,沒有什么爭論,讀者和評論家們較多地談論着的,只是一个“关汉卿是不是真是这样”?——也就是說,剧中的事件与人物,是不是和历史上的記載相符合的问题。拿历史上的事件和人物作为題材,就很容易把“历史”和“历史剧”这兩个不同性質的問題混淆在一起。1943年前后郭老的“高漸离”和“南冠草”在重庆演出的时候,曾經遭受到一些御用文人的責难,当时我曾經写过一篇文章,里面說: 这应該說是一个不成問題的問題,但,这也是一个經常会引起爭論的問題。
Comrade Tian Han’s “Guan Hanqing” is a good show, and both ideological and artistic are very strong. This is hardly a word of mouth and no controversy. The readers and critics talk more about it, but “Guan Hanqing is not Really? ”- That is, the events and figures in the play are not in keeping with historical records. Taking the historical events and figures as subjects, it is easy to confuse the two different nature issues of “history” and “historical drama.” Before and after 1943 Guo Lao’s “Gao Jian Li” and “Nan Guan Cao” performed in Chongqing when they were subjected to censure by a few imperial civil servants. At that time, I wrote an article which said: This should be said An issue that is not a problem, but it is also an issue that often leads to debate.