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《辞海》上说,保险是一种经济制度,同时也是一种法律关系。保险源于海上借贷。到中世纪,意大利出现了冒险借贷,冒险借贷的利息类似于今天的保险费,但因其高额利息被教会禁止而衰落。1 384年,比萨出现世界上第一张保险单,现代保险制度从此诞生。之后的很长岁月里,保险在西方国家如星星之火不断发展蔓延,并逐步完善和成熟,成为人们日常生活必不可少的商品。保险在实现人们身体健康、“长命百岁”的夙愿方面起到了防范风险的作用。但随着1 9世纪西方工业文明的快速发展,环境污染也在这些保险业“大国”滋生,并一度成为无法 “Cihai” said that insurance is an economic system, but also a legal relationship. Insurance comes from offshore borrowing. By the Middle Ages, there had been adventurous lending in Italy, adventurous lending with interest similar to today’s premiums, but declined because of the high interest rates that the church banned. In 384, the world’s first insurance policy appeared in Pisa, and the modern insurance system was born. After a long period of time, insurance in the western countries such as the continuous development and spread of the stars, and gradually improve and mature, become an indispensable commodity in daily life. Insurance plays a role of guarding against risks in realizing the long-cherished wish of people’s health. However, with the rapid development of Western industrial civilization in the 19th century, environmental pollution has also taken a toll on these insurance industries and the “big powers”
位于美国佐治亚州亚特兰大市的乔治亚—太平洋(G-P)公司在欧洲推出了Aqua Tu b e卫生纸卷芯。G-P公司指出,这是有史以来第一种完全可被冲散的、可生物降解的卫生纸卷芯,它可代
目的 探讨异丙酚和咪唑安定两种药物在机械通气患者中的镇静效果差异.方法 选择2007年1月至2008年5月ICU收治的320例机械通气患者,分为两组,异丙酚组120例,咪唑安定组200例.
Isolated coronal fracture of medial femoral condyle with intact lateral femoral condyle is extremely rare.A high index of suspicion is necessary for early diagn
研究了长周期光纤光栅(LPFG)级联布拉格光纤光栅(FBG)结构的温度及浓度传感特性。利用飞秒激光直写制作LPFG并级联FBG,且FBG波谷位于1 551.9 nm,LPFG波谷位置为1 560.5 nm。在30~50℃温度变化范围内对传感器温度特性进行测试,并在25℃超净环境下对浓度为3%~30%的葡萄糖溶液进行敏感性测试。实验结果表明:升温过程FBG中心波长发生红移,灵敏度26.36 pm/℃
目的 观察盐酸米多君对血液透析(HD)中低血压的疗效.方法 选择呼伦贝尔市人民医院透析室维持血液透析患者21例,进行为期6周的盐酸米多君口服治疗.用药方法:于透析开始后1 h服
近日联合国环境规划署发布了全球“可持续能源”投资分析报告。该报告称:目前,可再生能源和能效产业投资日增。流入可再生能源领域的资金 Recently, the United Nations Env