因出演2005年热播美剧《绝望的主妇》,墨西哥裔美女伊娃·朗格利亚(Eva Longoria)让自己的演艺生涯出现历史性大逆转,各种演出机会如潮水般涌来,这个一头乌黑秀发的“疯狂主妇”也成为众多熟男竞相追逐的标杆。如今,伊娃·朗格利亚是《People》杂志评出的最美50人之一,是AskMen.Com票选的99位绝代佳人中的第10名,她的超高人气吸引了众多影迷。
Eva Longoria, a Mexican-American beauty starring in the hit American hit Desperate Housewives in 2005, has given her career a historic reversal, Black hair “crazy housewife ” has become the benchmark for many mature men competing chase. Today, Eva Longoria, one of the 50 best rated by People magazine, is the 10th of 99 best-of-man on AskMen.Com polls, and her extravagance attracts many fans.