隔了一年,终于又见着咱们自己的甲级联赛了,要说看球,还是得亲自到看台上看咱们自己的球赛,一是透着亲切,二是有个倾向性,看起来也带劲。 今年的甲级联赛这一开始气势就不一样,场场球都十分火爆,球员玩命踢,“猫匿球”见不着了,质量也大有提高,这不刚赛完三轮,已见着不少“世界波”了。看来中国足球搞俱乐部联赛,这一步算是走对了。联赛水平上去了,当年被“打”跑的球迷又都被“打”回来了,据有关部门统计,四轮下来,A组平均每场少说也得有二万多人。最好的是成都、延吉,几乎场场爆满,看台上喊声震天,球迷情绪激昂,还真有点儿日本职业联赛的架势了。俗话说得
After a year, and finally see our own Class A league, to see the ball, or have to look at the stage to see our own game, one is kind, there is a second, there is a tendency, it seems interesting. This year’s A League this momentum is not the same, the field are very hot ball, the players play life kick, “Cat Hidden Ball” can not see, the quality has greatly improved, it is not just finished three rounds, has seen A lot of “waves in the world.” It seems that the Chinese football club club, this step is right. The league level up, then was “hit” run fans have been “hit” back, according to statistics, four rounds, A group average less every field have more than twenty thousand people. The best is in Chengdu, Yanji, almost full field, shout loudly in the stands, fans emotional, really a bit of the Japanese professional league posture. As the saying goes