《齐鲁石油化工》是由中国石化集团齐鲁石油化工公司主管、中国石化股份公司齐鲁分公司研究院主办的技术类科技期刊,国内外公开发行,1973年创刊。国内统一连续出版物号CN 37-1142/TE,国际标准刊号ISSN 1009-9859。广告经营许可证号3703034090006。本刊曾多次荣获山东省及中国石化总公司期刊评比三等奖;2001年进入“中国期刊方阵”期刊并荣获“山东省十佳科技期刊”称号;2002年《齐鲁石油化工》荣获第五届全国石油和化工行业优秀科技期刊一等奖并荣获“山东省十佳科技期刊”
“Qilu Petrochemical” is a technical journal run by the Qilu Petrochemical Company of Sinopec Group and sponsored by the Institute of Qilu Branch of Sinopec Corp. It was first published in 1973 at home and abroad. National unified serial number CN 37-1142 / TE, international standard serial number ISSN 1009-9859. Advertising business license number 3703034090006. The magazine has won many times in Shandong Province and China Petrochemical Corporation journals third prize; in 2001 to enter the “Chinese Journal of square” journals and won the “top ten scientific and technological journals in Shandong Province” title; 2002 “Qilu Petroleum Chemical ”won the fifth national oil and chemical industry excellent sci-tech periodicals won the first prize and“ top ten scientific and technological journals in Shandong province ”