The secret book of the Ming Dynasty and the open book of law are all crucial to the development of legal culture and the normal functioning of the judicial system in the Qing Dynasty. The origins, dissemination and evolution of these legal books and books reveal that the legal knowledge of China in the Qing Dynasty largely relied on the writings and publishing activities of these well-trained non-governmental legal professionals and became increasingly popular as an increasingly commercialized Expertise. The criminal money Amoy friends by learning, using and publishing legal knowledge can get huge social and cultural capital. Despite his formal bureaucratic system, Cui Youmou enjoys a huge implicit power in the political system of the Qing Dynasty that even the emperor worried about. This implicit power derives mainly from the control of the mongkoku on legal knowledge. Studying the screenmasters in the Qing Dynasty and this implicit right can deeply analyze some important features of the judicial field and legal culture in the Qing Dynasty in China from a new perspective.