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社会主义法治理念是社会主义核心价值观的重要组成部分。其基本内容包括依法治国、执法为民、公平正义、服务大局和党的领导。其核心和精髓是坚持中国共产党的领导、人民当家作主和依法治国三者有机统一。公平正义是其基本价值取向;尊重和保障人权是其基本原则;法律权威是其根本要求;监督制约是其内在机制;自由平等是其理想和尺度。在新的历史条件下,边疆少数民族地区社会思潮蓬勃涌现,但殊途同归,从根本上看,其追求的终极价值目标是实现各民族的平等团结互助共荣。社会主义法治理念契合了这一理想目标。因此,在党的正确领导下,学习好、宣传好、践行好社会主义法治理念,是引领边疆少数民族地区社会思潮朝着正确方向不断前进的绝佳方法。 The socialist concept of the rule of law is an important part of the socialist core values. Its basic contents include administering the country according to law, law enforcement for the people, fairness and justice, serving the overall interests and party leadership. Its core and essence are to insist on the organic unity of the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, people being the masters of the country and governing the country according to law. Equity and justice is its basic value orientation; respecting and safeguarding human rights is its basic principle; legal authority is its basic requirement; supervision and restriction are its internal mechanisms; and freedom and equality are their ideals and standards. Under the new historical conditions, the social ideological trend in the minority nationality areas in the border areas flourishes, but the two roads lead to the same goal. From the fundamental point of view, the ultimate goal of the pursuit of ethnic minorities is to realize the equality, solidarity, mutual prosperity and common prosperity of all ethnic groups. The idea of ​​socialist rule of law is in line with this ideal goal. Therefore, under the correct leadership of the Party, studying, propaganda, and implementing the socialist concept of the rule of law is an excellent way to lead the social ideological trend in the minority nationality areas in the right direction.
1 案例资料1.1 简要案情及临床经过某男,43岁.2013年3月10日因意外事故致头面部受伤.当日以"摔伤头面部,致疼痛l小时"到当地医院就诊.查体:左面部皮肤裂伤.左眼睑皮肤肿胀,左
群众文化在社会公共治理中具有基础地位,夯实这一重要基础,才能让我们的社会公共治理事业高屋建瓴,更上一层楼。 The mass culture has the basic position in public admin
1 案例资料杨某,男,59岁.某日与他人发生纠纷,腹部受膝盖撞击,随后腹痛倒地,被急送医院诊治,入院后持续低血压,多巴胺维持至85/52mmHg,腹腔穿刺抽出不凝固血液,在紧急手术前