率先在陕西省成立的宝鸡市物价局 价格认证中心,自1999年以来,坚持抓 制度、重培训、提高员工素质,拓展领域, 使价格认证工作开创了新局面。截止 2004年12月全市及所辖12个区县价格认 证中心累计办理各类鉴证案件4876件, 鉴证总价值10626.77万元,其中办理刑 事案件、民事案件、车损鉴定分别为2961 件、522件和1500余件;鉴证总价值分别 为1962.98万元、8189.25万元和438.56万 元。宝鸡市价格认证中心还接受公、检、 法等国家机关,以及公民、法人、社会团 体等委托,办理各类鉴证案件分别为220 件、228件、250件、374件、323件和1054 件,业务量呈现出逐年稳定增长的势头, 社会地位和社会效益得到显著提高和增 强,受到各方的关注和好评。
The Price Certification Center of Baoji City, the first established in Shaanxi Province, since 1999, has adhered to the system of focusing on training and training, improving the quality of staff and expanding the field, thus creating a new situation in price certification. As of December 2004, the city and 12 districts and counties under the jurisdiction of the price certification center for a total of 4876 various types of verification cases, the total value of 106,267,700 yuan of verification, of which criminal cases, civil cases, vehicle damage appraisal were 2961, 522 And more than 1,500 pieces. The total value of forensic examination was respectively 19,629,800 yuan, 81,892,500 yuan and 4,385,600 yuan. Baoji Price Certification Center also accepted the public, prosecutors and other state agencies, as well as citizens, legal persons, social groups and other commissioned to handle all kinds of verification cases were 220, 228, 250, 374, 323 and 1054 . The volume of business showed a steady growth year by year. The social status and social benefits have been significantly improved and enhanced, which has drawn the attention and praise of all parties.