“学而优则仕,仕而优则学”,是孔夫子的名言。前一句说学习是走向仕途的基础,后一句说的是走上仕途更须学习提高。在社会主义市场经济迅速发展的今天,新情况新问题层出不穷,学习的任务就更加突出。走上仕途更须学习,这是时代的呼唤。 当今世界,是知识爆炸的时代。国际风
“Learning and then official, Shi and excellent learning,” is Confucius’s famous quote. The previous sentence says that learning is the foundation of going to career, and the latter saying is going to be on the career path to study and improve. Today, with the rapid development of the socialist market economy, new problems and new problems emerge one after another, and the task of learning becomes even more prominent. On the career path to be more learning, this is the call of the times. The world today is an era of knowledge explosion. International style