雅戈尔的服装主业已经无足轻重,而金融与地产业的巨大机会它能否掘金成功呢? 2007年底,世界著名财经杂志《商业周刊》公开点名批评中国部分上市公司不务主业,投机获利,雅戈尔榜上有名。“除股票与地产投资业务外,该公司的其他业务都已变得无足轻重。”《商业周刊》提出的证据是,雅戈尔持有中国人寿、宁波银行及中信证券股份等近十家公司的股票,这些股票使雅戈尔在2007年1- 9月份的投资收益达到了2.236亿美元,占整个公司赢利总额的98.5%。
Younger’s main clothing industry has been insignificant, but the financial and real estate industry a huge opportunity it Nuggets success? The end of 2007, the world’s leading financial magazine Business Weekly publicly criticized some listed companies in China do not main business, speculative profit Youngor is on the list. “In addition to the stock and real estate investment business, the company’s other businesses have become insignificant. ” “Business Week” the evidence is that Youngor holds nearly 10 companies such as China Life Insurance, Bank of Ningbo and CITIC Securities shares These stocks helped Youngor achieve an investment return of 223.6 million U.S. dollars in the first nine months of 2007, accounting for 98.5% of the total profit of the entire company.