作者 1 998年 8月~ 2 0 0 0年 9月应用YL -Ⅰ型一次性颅内血肿粉碎穿刺针治疗自发性脑出血 2 0例 ,现将结果报告如下。1 临床资料本组 2 0例均符合第四届全国脑血管病会议修订的标准 ,并经颅脑CT证实。男 1 6例 ,女 4例 ,年龄 38~ 74岁 ,平均 55 90岁。术前意识状态分级
Author 1 998 August ~ 2000 0 YL-Ⅰ type of intracranial hematoma crush puncture needle treatment of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage 20 cases, the results reported below. 1 Clinical data 20 cases of this group are in line with the fourth session of the National Conference on cerebrovascular disease revised standards and confirmed by brain CT. 16 males and 4 females, aged 38 to 74 years old, with an average of 55 90 years old. Preoperative consciousness state classification