In his acupuncture practice,the authorfound an evident tender point betweenChize (Lu 5) and Kongzui (Lu 6) about 2cun from the former.Needling on this pointwas
The differences in EEG theta waves between concentrative and non--concentrative Qigong stateswere studied by means of power spectrum analysis and EEG mapping. T
Insomnia is a common ailment.Since1985,we have treated it with auricular pres-sing therapy with satisfactory results.AWestern medicine(WM)group was utilizedas t
This paper is intended to supplement accurate descriptions concerning auricular point loca-tion and provide studies in establishing basic landmarks of the auric
Acute posterior multifocal placoidpigment epitheliopathy (APMPPE),origi-nally described by Gass in 1968,is general-ly recognized as having a self-limited natu-r