以山西太岳山好地方林场33年生华北落叶松人工林为研究对象,采用样地调查、实测生物量和室内试验的方法,研究华北落叶松人工林的生物量和4种营养元素(C、N、P、K)的含量、积累量及空间分布规律,旨在为落叶松人工林的养分循环研究和合理经营提供理论支撑。结果表明:华北落叶松人工林林分平均生物量为155.03t·hm~(-2),其中乔木层为105.25t·hm~(-2),占林分总生物量的67.87%;华北落叶松同化器官的4种营养元素含量显著高于其他器官,干最低。乔木层各器官营养元素含量最高,凋落物层最低。土壤中4种营养元素除K外,都随着土层加深而逐渐减少;华北落叶松人工林生态系统养分积累量为24.85×10~4 kg·hm~(-2),各层次养分积累量的大小顺序为:土壤层>乔木层>凋落物层>草本层>灌木层,乔木层中树干的养分积累量显著高于其他器官。
The 33-year-old Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr. Plantation in Taiyue Mountain, Shanxi Province, China, was selected as the research object to investigate the biomass and four nutrient elements (C, N , P, K) content, accumulation and spatial distribution of law, aimed at the larch plantation nutrient cycling research and provide theoretical support. The results showed that the mean biomass of Larix principis-rupprechtii plantation was 155.03 t · hm -2, including 105.25 t · hm -2 in the arbor layer, accounting for 67.87% of the total biomass of the stands. The contents of the four nutrients in the organs of pine assimilation were significantly higher than those in other organs, with the lowest dryness. The content of nutrient elements in the arbor layer was highest, and the litter layer was the lowest. All four kinds of nutrient elements in soil decreased with the deepening of soil depth except K; the nutrient accumulation of Larix principis-rupprechtii plantation ecosystem was 24.85 × 10 ~ 4 kg · hm -2, and the nutrient accumulation The order of soil layer was: soil layer> tree layer> litter layer> herb layer> shrub layer, and the tree trunks in tree layer accumulated more nutrients than other organs.