小儿生长痛是目前严重影响小儿身体健康的常见病和多发病。近年来发病率呈上升趋势。患儿夜间突然两腿两侧不同程度疼痛,重者哭闹不止,影响睡眠,饮食欠佳,疼痛过后一切恢复正常;使许多家长感到不安。 中医对生长痛的认识: 祖国医学文献中虽然没有生长痛的病名记载,但类似生长痛的症状散见诸医籍中,《内经》:“肾主骨生髓……,肾的精气有促进生长发育的功能,肾藏精,精生髓,髓居于骨中,滋养骨骼。因此,肾精充足,则骨髓的
Pediatric growth pain is currently a serious impact on children’s health and common disease and frequently-occurring disease. In recent years, the incidence is on the rise. Children suddenly both sides of the night suddenly varying degrees of pain on both sides, severe cases of more than crying, affecting sleep, poor diet, all returned to normal after pain; so many parents feel uneasy. Chinese medicine on the understanding of growth pain: Although the motherland medical literature does not record the name of the disease growing pain, but similar to the symptoms of growth and pain scattered in medical books, the “Nei Jing”: "kidney main bone marrow ... ... Growth and development of the function, kidney essence, fine marrow, marrow living in the bone, nourish the bones.Therefore, adequate renal essence, the bone marrow