一、档案文献编研工作的意义和作用 (一)档案文献编研是开发利用档案资源的有效方法。档案文献的提供利用,一般是采取利用者登门查阅的方式进行的。这种传统的提供利用方式,虽然利用者可以看到档案文献的原件,但由于受地点、时间等条件的限制,加上案卷繁多、查阅不便,所
First, the significance and role of archival literature research (a) archival literature research and development is an effective way to develop the use of archival resources. The use of archives and documents is generally based on user access to the way. Although such a traditional way of providing and utilizing the user can see the originals of the archives and documents, due to the restriction of location, time and other conditions and the large number of files and inconvenient access