大部分中国企业还没有意识到加强自身碳信息的管理,会为企业带来的经济效益改变,而只是看到履行企业社会责任的义务。2006年,在做完CDP(CarbonDisclosure Proiject,碳信息披露项目)的调查问卷后,沃尔玛项目开发总监、JimStanway发现了沃尔玛供应链上的可减碳排量。杂货店使用的制冷剂的碳排量竟然比卡车车队还要多,这一事实促使沃尔玛关注
Most Chinese enterprises still do not realize that strengthening the management of their own carbon information will bring about economic benefits to the enterprises and only see the fulfillment of corporate social responsibility obligations. After completing the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) questionnaire in 2006, Jim Stanway, director of project development at Wal-Mart, discovered the reductions in carbon available in Wal-Mart’s supply chain. The fact that the groceries use more refrigerant than the truck fleet actually drives Wal-Mart’s attention